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Invest in a brand vs quick-profit.

A thorough and strategic understanding on what your brand is should come well before you invest heavily in any new sales approaches. To dive head first into new technology without a strategic approach in finding new business will leak money.
If you’re in it for the quick sale and to make a quick buck, don’t read on. This article is all about building a brand from the ground up, so you can future-proof your sales techniques.
Answer this one question; are you trying to convert by any means necessary or are you trying to create an experience? The latter always wins. The latter communicates with your customers, if they have had an enjoyable experience with your brand, they will do two things, come back or tell their friends. That’s free.
At the end of the day there is only one thing that constitutes what a “brand” is. It’s how you feel in the moment you interact with the product, service or business. How does the brand communicate with you? When a brand like Coca-Cola, Apple or Coles are spoken of, you have a very specific innate reaction to your feelings about that brand. You may of had a good or bad experience in the past, or maybe someone you know has communicated a bad experience and has put you off the brand altogether. The only thing that should matter to you, is your brand legacy, you want people to have a positive reaction when they interact with your business.
The reality is, the greatest companies in the world don’t sell. They invest and build their brand. Think of Apple as a prime example, have you received any advertisements from Apple telling you to purchase their product? I can’t, I actually can’t recall whether I ever have. Apple focuses on building a relationship with you, implying your life will be better, easier, more stylish, if you live life with Apple. Their ads are about sharing an experience, about the simplicity and ease of use of their products. It’s all about branding, and communicating their brand to you.
Whether you’re a small business or a massive corporation, you need to start thinking about business as a long term relationship, not a single transaction.